
Wednesday, 8 October 2014

eCognition tutorial: Exporting eCognition features as images with array functionalities

There are instances when one would like to export different features from eCognition as a images to perform some tasks outside eCognition. eCognition doesn't provide a way to export many object features as images but it is only possible to export as a thematic raster in which each object has a unique ID, and features values are stored in a separated CSV file. To convert it into images, one has to mapped ID raster tiff file and data from CSV file.

If you want to get eCogntion features as images in an automatic way that can export any numbers of features as images in one go, then here is a way. For the purpose, we are going to utilize array handing capabilities of eCogntion and export each feature as separate tiff (My_1.tiff, My_2.tiff …. and so on) file. The rule set can be downloaded here. The rule set is flexible in the sense that you just have to update an array to store your feature list of interest. Number features can be any number (10, 20 or even 100 features). We will merge it afterwards in open source QGIS.

  • Perform a segmentation
  • Create a array and store features you want to export as images
  • Loop over the array
    1. For each feature, create a temporary image file
    2. Export the temporary file as a unique name
    3. Repeat until all features in the array are executed
  • Now in QGIS, we use GDAL to stack individual images into one single image. We will use merge function of GDAL (Raster>Miscellaneous> Merge).
    Complete ruleset within eCognition
Ruleset  for exporting features as images 
GDALmerge function within QGIS
Color composite of three merge features
Thus produced merge features image now can be used for classification  in ENVI, ERDAS IMAGINE or writing custom script in Python or MATAB. Personally I use such images within Python using scikit-learn library.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    How do I edit the rule base in order to export an image feature according to image feature info, for example, mean band 1
